Starting a factory, think carefully.

1. If you have a plan to start a factory of your own, think carefully on following points.

(A) Product
1) What items will be manufactured?
2) What is the basis of selecting these items?
3) Who advised you to go into these items?
4) Are such people reliable in their advice?

(B) Raw Materials
1) What are the raw materials required?
2) Are they available locally?
3) If yes, at what cost and are the supplies reliable?
4) If not, what are the sources and cost at site?
5) If imported, at what cost? Have Government assured quota License?

(C) Quality of Raw Materials
1) Can you get the exact quality of raw materials required?
2) If yes, at what extra costs?
3)   If not, what is the likely variation in quality?
4) How this variation will affect quality of product in competitive market?

(D) Plant & Equipment
1) Whether plant and equipment is designed considering economic batch size?
2) Whether the equipment has got flexibility for change over other products?
3) Is it indigenously made?
4) Whether maintenance and repair facilities are easily available?
5) Whether spare parts and replacement of parts are available?

(E) Personnel
1) Whether technical skin, unskilled is locally available?

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